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How do art influences culture and society?

By: :Leticia Garcia 0 comments
How do art influences culture and society?

Art has been around for centuries, be it in any form or kind. You can find the presence of art in most cultures, whether it is in the form of paintings, calligraphy, sculptures, music, dance, or poetry. From the early times, artists have used and taken advantage of by altering the art forms and placing them in new situations to create new art forms. It is primarily thanks to the artists that we view specific forms of art as we see them today because they have changed their art over time. It is true that the society and the culture where the artist lives affect their art, but the opposite is true as well. Just as society influences art, art influences society and culture as well. In this post, we explore how culture and society are influenced by art.  


Art affects many people and things, especially culture and society. One of the best things about art is that it can create a positive or negative effect, but having a neutral effect is rare. It has been proven that art can change how we think about cultures, society, and ourselves throughout history. Art has the power to create new stories and history. Keep reading to find out how art affects society:


Ways Art Effects Society and Culture

Art impacts all, especially the culture and society, in various ways, for better or worse. 


1. Promoting communication between cultures 

Art is a universal language that is not affected by any cultural or geographical barriers. It gives society and its people respect for the beliefs and traditions of others. It is not uncommon that artists have been using art to effectively unite individuals and societies of contrasting cultures to improve their understanding and communication.


2. Preserving history 

It is no surprise that art is one of the best preservers of history that has a huge impact on the place's culture and society. But, other than a preserver, art is also a great history teacher. Art has been preserving history for thousands of years in the form of songs, dance, literature, paintings, and sculptures. When you look at art, you develop a respect and understanding for the history of the place. This art and history can then influence the way you see and appreciate the world around you and how you appreciate the past and present cultures from around the globe. 


3. Changing people's opinions 

There are many instances where you see that art has changed your opinion and the way you look at something? It can be the way you see your favorite color, religious issues, or how you used to see the past society and the people of yesterday. Art engages with us emotionally, and it can also change the way you look at something as the messages of art go past our logical minds and through our hearts, where the decisions are changed.


These are just some of the ways art changes the world around us by affecting our culture and society. Artists who make the art can capture feelings, emotions, and time into their art; they are the keepers and preservers of those said feelings. Undoubtedly, our society and culture where we live have been shaped constantly by art, and the proof is all around us.